
YouTube Thumbnail Downloader: Download YouTube Thumbnails

Written by: GetFans Team
On Jan 18, 2021 (Last Update: Dec 07, 2020)

YouTube Thumbnail Downloader: Download YouTube Thumbnails

Get ready, because this is the tool you were waiting for, for a very long time. Our YouTube thumbnails grabber tool might not be a YouTube thumbnail maker, but it is free to use and designed specifically for you, so you could download any YouTube thumbnail easily and intuitively, completely free of charge. Use this YouTube thumbnail maker to make the most beautiful YouTube thumbnails possible.

How To Use This Tool? 

To use this YouTube thumbnails downloader, all you have to do is: 

  1. Pick any YouTube video. 
  2. Copy and paste the video’s URL in the designated field. 
  3. Click on the “Download” button. 

Within a few seconds, our tool will grab the video’s thumbnail and download it to your device automatically. 

What Does This Tool Do? 

This tool will download YouTube thumbnail from any video, straight to your device. It works with any video on the platform. You don’t have to wonder how to download YouTube thumbnails anymore, because now you can do it easily and for free with our thumbnail downloader.

Download YouTube Thumbnail - Why You Should Do It

Gather Inspiration

Sometimes we like looking at what other people did in order to get inspired to create our own versions of it. When you download your favorite YouTubers’ thumbnails, you can gather inspiration in an orderly manner and keep your inspo-invoking thumbnails in a neat folder for easy access. 

Improve Other Peoples’ Thumbnails

Sometimes you see a thumbnail that just screams “fix me!” and you have to answer the call. You can download the thumbnail that needs fixing and improve it on your own. Then, you can send both versions to the creator for their review and maybe get your work published. It’s a win-win!

Post Thumbnails On Other Social Media Platforms

If you lost your original thumbnail design by accident and you wanted to post your thumbnail design on a different platform (meaning other than YouTube), you can download your thumbnail and do just that.

Never Lose A Thumbnail Design

If you ended up deleting your thumbnail design from your computer on accident - no worries. If you already published the video, you can grab that thumbnail with our thumbnail grabber and keep it, work on it some more to improve it or just show it off by sending it to your friends.

Tips And Tricks For Creating Eye-Catching Thumbnails

There’s more to making thumbnails than simply copying what other people are doing. To create really great thumbnails, it’s best to learn how to do it yourself while gathering inspiration from the biggest YouTubers out there. Here are some tips for creating eye-catching thumbnails that will surely get your video clicked on - 

Make The Thumbnail Focused Around The Subject

Your thumbnail needs to make sense and accurately represent your video. This is why you have to make sure to keep your thumbnail’s subject as the main focus of the thumbnail. Doing so will ensure that your thumbnail is relevant to your video’s subject and isn’t misleading or “click-baity”.

It’s All About The Aesthetics 

Now that you know how to create YouTube thumbnails with photoshop, you want your video thumbnails to have a certain aesthetic line to them. The more cohesive and similar your thumbnails are, the easier it will be for people to recognize your videos at a glance. Think of this as branding your content with aesthetics - if you create similar looking thumbnails, people will see you as a brand and will spot your videos in an instant. Keeping an aesthetic line in your thumbnails also makes your work look much more professional and serious, which will surely make people click on your videos rather than on amateur-looking video thumbnails.

Make Sure The Size Is Right

It’s a well known fact that the optimal size for video thumbnails is 1280x720 px in dimension. These dimensions will make sure you have plenty of room for every element you’ll want to add to your thumbnail while still making everything visible and clear. Another important note here is that the thumbnail’s size shouldn’t exceed 2MB. This size is perfect because it will allow you to upload a high-quality thumbnail. 

Use Text (If Relevant) 

YouTube’s algorithms can “read” thumbnail text, so it’s a smart idea to add your target keyword as a text in your thumbnail for better SEO (Search Engine Optimization). However, there’s more to it than just “catering to the robots” - adding text has also been proven to attract peoples’ eyes as well. So add your text in nice, bold colors and big fonts to make sure it’s readable and keep it relevant and classy. 

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